‘Harry Potter’ star names actor he wants to play Lucius Malfoy

Harry Potter star names actor he wants to play Lucius Malfoy
‘Harry Potter’ star names actor he wants to play Lucius Malfoy

Jason Isaacs plays Lucius Malfoy in six Harry Potter films. Now, he wanted a female star to play his character for its reboot show.

“Meryl Streep,” he told Variety after asking who would best play the Slytherin wizard. “She can do anything, that woman. There’s literally no limit to what she can do.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Jason was asked about any guidance for the cast. “I wouldn’t have any advice at all,” the British actor said.

“Why would I bother? I know some of the people they’re casting already. They’re brilliant actors. It’s going to be fantastic, and the last thing they need is advice from some old fart like me,” he joked.

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The casting of the highly-anticipated series is underway, and John Lithgow is set to play Albus Dumbledore.

On the Smartless podcast, the veteran actor said he thinks the job won’t be “that hard,” adding that ” the overall concept of this entire reboot of Harry Potter is an entire season devoted to a single novel.”

“You know, Dumbledore is — he’s kind of the nuclear weapon. He only goes on very, very occasionally. And I think that — I don’t think it’s gonna be that hard a job, and, we’ll just go back and forth,” John concluded.


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